The NCA’s mandates include but are not limited to: license compliance, monitoring and consumer / public complaints handling. This involves receiving and handling submitted complaints, communicating to the general public,industry and performing technical, legal and administrative investigations and enforcement.
Licensees expect the Regulator (NCA) to maintain conditions for operation as stated in the licenses and, NCA equally expects licensees to follow the terms and conditions as stated in the license. The General public equally expects the Regulator (NCA) and the licensees to ensure quality of service and commensurate value for money.
This may include other social corporate responsibilities including but not limited to human safety and environmental protection, among others. All involved parties are entitled to file complaints on quality of service as related to a particular license.
Complaints Procedure
Any person may submit a complaint against a Licensee or service provider to the Authority and a Licensee may submit its complaint against another Licensee for determination by the Authority in accordance with the procedure set forth in regulations issued under National Communication Act.
Complaint Submission Process
The complaint form has to be filled and can be hand-delivered to NCA offices, sent by postal mail or email to the Authority’s designated email. The complaint form includes the identification of the complainant and contact information.
Identity of the complainant is protected and as the rule, this identity is not exposed unless it is critical for the process of complaint resolution. All submitted personal data is protected against sharing with third parties. Technical or legal data could be shared with third parties if it is necessary for complaint resolution.
The complainant may be contacted by NCA if additional information is needed and as the complaining party, you have the right to inquire and to be informed about the process. The complainant needs to be sure the complaint is reasonable after which they can proceed to fill the form according to the given instructions.
Please note that false or malicious complaints could result in fines, penalties, lawsuits or other legal measures.
Please note that false or malicious complaints could result in fines, penalties, lawsuits or other legal measures.