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The Directorate of Spectrum Management

The Directorate of Spectrum Management (DSM) provides suitable administrative and technical procedures to ensure various radio communication services operate without causing harmful interference to both humans and surrounding environment. The Spectrum Management Directorate aims to manage the scarce radio spectrum resource in an efficient way to meet the various radio communication services.

The Directorate of Spectrum Management consists of three key departments, each tasked with distinct responsibilities to ensure the effective and efficient use of spectrum resources. These departments are as follows:

Departments under the Directorate

Our Team

Dut Acol De Dut

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Director for Spectrum Management

Jose John Dollo

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Asst. Director for Engineering analysis, Assignment & Type approval

Philip Apiu Majok

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Asst. Director for Spectrum Monitoring & Planning

Ndukayo Zamba Leonel

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Asst. Director for Space Services

Spectrum Planning & Monitoring Department

This department focuses on the strategic planning and ongoing monitoring of radio frequencies to ensure efficient allocation and minimal interference among users.

Image by Ries Bosch

Key Functions

Plan the spectrum to make adequate provision for various services and monitoring the emissions of radio stations and their technical characteristics.

Radio Frequency Planning & Monitoring


Develop fair, equitable and transparent procedures and conditions for the allocation and assignment of spectrum.

Radio Frequency Assignment


Define technical utilization rules and specifications for radio frequency equipment.

Engineering Analysis


Administer equipment type approval and authorizations.

Type Approvals of Electronics Equipment


Quick links 

To prevent mutual harmful interference to radio communication services.

Cross-border Frequency Coordination


Promote the vital use and development of space science.

Orbitals Resource & Spectrum Management


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